Moving Households This Summer? Seven Do’s and Don’ts When It Comes to Getting Organized
Jun 27

The summer has officially begun — and we know that you’d rather be by a pool somewhere or having a sunny lounge in your backyard. But first, you need to get this move squared away. Whether you’ve just sold your home (maybe with our help!) or are planning a major remodel (ditto), it’s time to pack up and head out—summer or no.
According to a study conducted by Houzeo, March through June account for the most home sales, highest average selling price, and lowest days on market. Movers’ schedules may be busy, so it’s good to have all your ducks in a row, move-wise.
While personal schedules might be more freed up to tackle a summer move, factors like heat and surges in moving service fees can seem daunting. If you’re looking to sell and move this summer, we recommend taking a look at our summer moving do’s and don’ts so that you can have the breeziest transition possible:

Joelle Belmonte’s project in San Francisco, CA
DO: Get in touch with a moving company right away, even if you’re still firming up your plans:
Understanding their availability and willingness to make time for you on their calendar will help you to set things into motion.
DON’T: Take your chances with an unknown moving broker:
We recommend looking for whether the moving company is a broker or a carrier. Brokers do not have their own trucks or moving professionals, so you might be at the liberty of the broker handing off your move elsewhere. Carriers are equipped to directly move your household goods. Mover websites will often mention their “fleet size” which list their truck options, indicating carrier status.
DO: Consult with the movers for a precise inventory:
The more specific you can get with itemizing your moving list for your moving company, the better. That way, they will be able to quote you for the correct amount of workers, truck size, and potential time that it will take. You don’t want to get stuck with a confusing bill at the end!
DON’T: Underestimate how long preparing and packing can take:
Summer is a busy time full of events, sunny day trips, and celebrations. Unforeseen fun activities can come up on your calendar, and you want to be able to say yes to them! So start packing early and focus on nonessential or seldom-used items. Don’t leave everything until the last minute. That never ends well!

Susan Lennon’s project in West LA, CA
DO: Provide the movers with water, sports drinks, or snacks:
While your moving day can be very special and monumental for you, be sure to consider that it might not be the only job your movers have that day. Regardless, summer months bring the heat; you can ensure a smooth move and happy helpers if everyone is hydrated and energized. Be sure to offer some refreshments or a snack to your movers who are making it all happen.
DON’T: Forget to make arrangements for children or pets:
While we do love our children and pets, you don’t want to have to worry about them getting in the way on moving day. Little ones running around can be hazardous and slow down your movers who are on the clock. Be sure to arrange for pets and children to have other plans on the big day and surprise them with a new home once the move is finished!
DO: Finish this move so you can enjoy your summer!
The more organized you can be up front, the better your chances are for a smooth move and free time for you and your family for the rest of the summer. You don’t want to be working through logistics or rescheduling movers during these bright, sunny days because you procrastinated on planning. The sooner you can get organized and moved, the sooner you can find some relaxation in your summer.

Megan Silver’s project in Oakland, CA
Given what we know about the summer being a historically popular time to sell a home and move into a new one, busy mover schedules and price surges should not be undermined. We recommend planning ahead so that you have ample time to research movers, pack up your belongings well in advance, and make the most out of moving day. Heat and unforeseen distractions can creep up on you, so be sure to plan ahead, take care of your mover’s hydration needs, and have your children and pets enjoy a day away from the moving ensemble. Most importantly, masterminding your move will ensure that you and your family can get as much enjoyment as possible out of your summer months and new home!