Delicious Deco
$221,510 Profit
778% Return
Berkeley, CA
Project Director: Anna Patty
Agent: Sheri Madden, Red Oak Realty
Freemodel’s scope of work for this project included:
- All rooms: Scraped and sanded previous coating, patched all cracks and holes on walls and ceilings, all walls and ceiling painted, painted all metal windows trims and doors and exterior of kitchen cabinets, removed iron security gate, electric wheelchair, side bar by front door, patched holes on stucco, installed new address numbers.
- Exterior: Pressure washed all exterior surfaces, all wood surfaces primed, painted doors and window frames
- Basement: Removed floor tiles from the basement floor, patched cracks on concrete floor, primed concrete floor and applied two coats of epoxy reinforced concrete paint, painted the stairs leading to the basement.